Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

When all i need is you, to appreciate my feelings...

Considering My Options...


I'm sure all of u have one thing u really CAN NOT tolerate about someone, right?

Well, in my case, i think i have this difficulty to trust a person. BAH!

In my defense that didn't came without reason,

I just happen to be "lucky" to experienced lots of betrayal in my just 28 years life.

But no matter how many times it happens, i can't barely help the feeling...

The feeling of sick,
The feeling of shame,
The feeling of disappointed,
The feeling of anger,
The feeling of resentment,
The feeling of hurt...

The feeling like you are the stupidest person in the world,
for letting yourself to trust someone, and be weak...

After you build your trust on someone, 

Brick by brick,

After you change your everything, 

Give your best to believe,

To trust someone and gratitude,

and then BOOM!,

Just like that someone crashed it away. 

Like it didn't meant anything...

Then you see yourself back to ground ZERO.

that all you can think of from now on is suspicious. 

I just wish i could forget it... I really do...

Because i don't think you could fix my pain,



P.S: The last thing we need is someone making another lie to cover their other lies

P.S.S: But maybe lying runs in their blood, one would die if one didn't do it.

P.S.S.S: U have no idea how many times I type n delete this post ;pp