Senin, 02 Mei 2011

S I C K (of you)


Saya sedang sakit. Setelah batuk berbulan-bulan ini akhirnya nyerah jg badan inih. no wonder makin hari body uda mirip martabak "tipker" ----> tipis kering. Hahaha

Eniwey, this sickness got me thinking a lot, about how our minds control our body. All that positivity and negativity thoughts, are very reflected in our body.

Do you know that the brain performs an incredible number of tasks:
  • It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.
  • It accepts a flood of information about the world around you from your various senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, etc).
  • It handles physical motion when walking, talking, standing or sitting.
  • It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions.

See, its so amazing right?

Sehubungan dengan penyakit, pikiran kita juga punya peran yang sangat kuat terhadap kesehatan kita. That's why doctor always tell their patient to stay positif. Ambil contoh my mom, setelah kena serangan stroke ringan puasa tahun lalu, kesembuhannya itu sangat up and down, semua dipengaruhi oleh pikiran, i witness it myself, how she can be healthy when she is happy, n dropped down when she's stressed.

Dan, hehehe, saat ini gw sedang mengalami hal tsb; S.T.R.E.S.S

Gw percaya bgt bahwa kerja, secape apapun, selama hati kita bahagia, otak kita akan mengirimkan sinyal yang positif supaya badan kita tetep sehat, tentunya tetap dengan ditambah "doping" vitamin C dan daya tahan tubuh yaaaa.

Cuma lately gw lg byk pikiran, yang ga bisa gw share semuanya disini, tp itu berasa bgt lsg bikin mood n body drop. Mau treak, ga bisa, dibilang "silent is gold" tp nyesek jg. Apalagi gw tipe yang kalo ada masalah pengennya langsung di komunikasiin.

I'm not the type of person who talk about people behind their back. That's why suka gemes sendiri kalo ada yg melakukan itu, i dont need sweet lips, just be true, if u don't like something about me, tell me, maybe that will help me to be a better person. But, in return, i do hope u can accept my comments to u too. (I am Virgo, do likes to make critics n perfectionist, hehehe)

Itu 1 hal, adalagi, tipe orang yang sukanya mencampuri urusan orang, and this is even worst. They like to dominate everything, they like to control everything, rules everything, arggh... gw pernah bahas topik ini di blog multiply gw:

Sometime orang seperti ini seperti lupa akan batasan sampe mana dia bisa mencampuri urusan orang lain, membuat orang lain merasa bersalah, atau selalu salah, dan intinya ga suka melihat orang lain maju dan bahagia. Selalu punya ketakutan dan kekhawatiran berlebih bahwa org lain itu jahat dan tidak baik. It is sad actually... B'coz this universe doesn't only revolved around u. Sepertinya tipe orang seperti ini merasa dia adalah pusat dari segalanya dan orang sangat tertarik dengan hidupnya seperti ga punya pekerjaan lain yang lebih penting. (mulai berat curhatannya :pp)

I really hate that kinda person, and what hates me the most is, that person is always succeed to make my life a living hell!! Yeah, i know, stupid me...

But, have u ever deal with this kind of person? i hope none of u had, really. It really stressing, specially when u can't do anything about it, or tepatnya dlm posisi gw saat ini adl "ga mau cari masalah".

No wonder, everytime this thing happen, i'm pretty sure either a pimple on my face showed-up, or like now... i'm SICK. That is why i post about it here, because, it really amazing how your negative thoughts or stressful can ripped off ur sexy-healthy body (itu dulu, skrg uda tipker, hiks hiks,,,)

Ehmmm, diulang lagi ah, my sexy-healthy body ----> dilarang keras komen, lg sakit nih, bolehlah kasih senang. hahahaha...

Kalo dipikir, banyak ruginya gw peduliin tipe2 org seperti itu, So, as per today, i want to promise myself, not to let this ONE person making my life miserable. I will try to keep positive, grateful for a lovely husband n kids, grateful for a great mom, a great job with my hubby, and incredible friends out there.

Am gonna get healthy, fatty(er), relaxing my mind OFF that person, and embrace life that ALLAH gave to me.

Wish me luck!!


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